Asite and Grosvenor won the IT showcase award 2007 in the Best Construction Process Management category for their exceptional performance on the Liverpool Paradise Street Area (PSDA) Project.
Asite was deployed in the early stages of planning, at Grosvenor's request, to enable the project teams to share information during the multiple planning applications. As the project has grown, Asite Project Workflow was implemented in a hierarchical structure whereby a top-level Masterplan Site allowed the overall scheme information to be available to all members of the project team.
Asite was deployed in the early stages of planning, at Grosvenor's request, to enable the project teams to share information during the multiple planning applications. As the project has grown, Asite Project Workflow was implemented in a hierarchical structure whereby a top-level Masterplan Site allowed the overall scheme information to be available to all members of the project team.
As individual Sub-Projects entered detailed design phase, they were given a Detailed Design and Construction (DDC) PWF workspace to facilitate design and delivery, with required information from the Masterplan linked into the relevant DDC site. Adopting Asite in the early stages of the project during Stage C where the volume of the documentation was relatively low and complexity had not yet developed, ensured that document systems were defined and carried through the whole project.
Implementation of Project Workflow enabled the project teams to manage the end-to-end processes more successfully. Adoption of PWF allowed more time to agree to any outstanding protocol issues and for the use of the technology to become habitual prior to the onset of the Stage D phase.
Implementation of Project Workflow enabled the project teams to manage the end-to-end processes more successfully. Adoption of PWF allowed more time to agree to any outstanding protocol issues and for the use of the technology to become habitual prior to the onset of the Stage D phase.
The effort spent in the early phases of the project to ensure that implementation was appropriately structured was key to success and allowed the size and complexity of the project to easily develop within a defined structure.
The flexibility of PWF to accommodate the complexity of the project and to define an appropriate structure was essential in the ongoing management of each phase of development.
The ability to report across multiple repositories facilitated the management of the scheme's complexity in a straightforward and simple manner.
The flexibility of PWF to accommodate the complexity of the project and to define an appropriate structure was essential in the ongoing management of each phase of development.
The ability to report across multiple repositories facilitated the management of the scheme's complexity in a straightforward and simple manner.
ver mais aqui.
A respeito da gestão de projectos no sector da construção, julgo que estamos perante um momento de transição que deverá permitir melhoramentos relevantes ao nível da produtividade do sector. As mudanças verificar-se-ão, não só ao nível das técnicas e tecnologias utilizadas, mas também ao nível da própria estrutura de gestão.
A figura de um gestor de projecto global é inevitável, devendo surgir como apoio ao dono-de-obra e ter responsabilidades no planeamento e gestão da cadeia de produção. A visão da produção deve ser integrada e apoiada em tecnologias avançadas de modelação 3D, simulação, gestão do fluxo de informação, ferramentas colaborativas electrónicas e que permitam capacidades de interoperabilidade elevadas. As plataformas web de arquitectura SOA surgem como instrumentos de apoio ao projecto flexíveis e com funcionalidades ao nível da gestão da informação muito potentes.
A empresa apresentada neste texto está, de certa forma, a testar a adequabilidade deste tipo de serviços à gestão moderna. Após alguns anos de desenvolvimento de software técnico com componentes tecnológicas avançadas o sector da construção começa a sentir-se preparado para dar alguma racionalidade a essas tecnologias, no sentido de ser possível integrar a cadeia de produção e encarar a complexidade dos projectos actuais.
António Aguiar da Costa
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